Sunday, November 18, 2007

Favorite Travel Pictures, 2006-7

Or, why I wear a two-time-zone watch. A few pictures I took over the past year on various trips:

Hong Kong is in constant motion: you never know what you'll see next.

This view from Victoria Peak was really just dumb luck. Minutes later, the light was gone.

In the midlevels in HK, school must have just let out. The pink hair sets off the stream of uniforms.

It's rare for a day to be this clear in Hong Kong in June. HK is like New York with a better waterfront and English as a second language.

The chicken man of Shenzhen. This is what we saw moments after we nearly got in a four-way collision with a trash truck, semi, and a steamroller in anarchic Shenzhen traffic. When we thought it couldn't get any weirder, this guy blithely pedals by with a bikeload of clucking hens.

Could these kids have been cuter? Tokyo, Ikebukuro.

New York. Paste-up graffiti in raking morning light.

Exercise your free will...
New York. Soho, near Canal.
There are more on Flickr, if you're so inclined.

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